NMPF’s Bjerga on H5N1, Farm Bill

NMPF Executive Vice President for Communications & Industry Relations Alan Bjerga speaks on RFD-TV about dairy farmer challenges and their broader relationship with agriculture, ranging from H5N1 in dairy cattle to discussions of the 2024 Farm Bill in Washington. Success across all fronts will require communication and collaboration across agricultural sectors, he said. Meanwhile, NMPF is optimistic regarding the future of milk pricing, with a USDA plan on Federal Milk Marketing Order modernization expected within the next few weeks.



NMPF’s Yeiser Stepp Talks Biosecurity Best Practices

Emily Yeiser Stepp, Executive Director of the National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program, discusses best practices in biosecurity as dairy farmers navigating a new federal order on testing and interstate animal movement in an interview with the National Association of Farm Broadcasters. “We still don’t know a lot about this virus and are taking action to limit that risk of virus spread, not only to protect our own dairy herds but also those poultry facilities that are being impacted, as well as protecting our dairy workers,” Yeiser Stepp said.

NMPF Statement on H5N1 and Federal Order on Lactating Cows

From NMPF President & CEO Gregg Doud:

Since this virus was first discovered in cows, H5N1 in dairy cattle has been primarily an animal health concern. Today’s announcements and actions underscore that continued concern and focus on the well-being of animals and those who care for them.

USDA, FDA and scientific research has established what accumulated science indicated all along: The consumer milk supply is safe. Pasteurization renders the H5N1 virus, like other viruses, inactive, an important reminder to consumers of its value as a basic safeguard for human health. We appreciate that these agencies are sharing this message, which will help alleviate any concerns consumers may have.

That said, the presence of this virus in dairy herds, as well as dairy farmers’ own commitment to animal and human health, makes USDA’s actions on testing and interstate travel appropriate. Dairy farmers stand ready to take a proactive approach to ensuring that we better understand the spread of the virus, do what we can to limit that spread, and ensure the health of our animals and workers.