Coronavirus Resources

Dairy's response to the pandemic: NMPF Coronavirus Resources

Dairy farmers and industry professionals are monitoring public health and responding to market effects as coronavirus continues to shape every aspect of American life. This page offers NMPF-created and curated resources focused on dairy’s response to the pandemic. NMPF will continue working with lawmakers and regulators to ensure a safe and adequate supply of milk and to mitigate economic harm to dairy farmers during this challenging time.

Resources for Dairy Farmers


Vaccinating essential workers, including the dairy workforce, is important because of their role in maintaining critical infrastructure operations and their increased risk of getting and spreading COVID-19. Vaccination is one of many important tools to help stop the pandemic.

Workforce Coronavirus Prevention and Management

The CDC provides clear guidance about preventing infection in both English and Spanish. It also provides a number of printable factsheets and posters in both languages suitable for workplace use. Below are resources dairy farmers are encouraged to review and use:

Animal Health

Guidance for employers


Resources for Processors

The CDC has developed Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to plan, prepare and respond to COVID-19. The guidance may help prevent workplace exposures to COVID-19 and provides planning considerations should widespread, community outbreaks of COVID-19 occur.

All employers should be ready to implement strategies to protect workers from COVID-19 while ensuring continuity of operations. During a COVID-19 outbreak, all sick employees should stay home and away from the workplace, respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene should be encouraged, and routine cleaning of commonly touched surfaces should be performed regularly.