NMPF unveiled important updates to its website, nmpf.org, designed to offer more complete information to dairy farmers and their cooperatives as well as an easier-to-navigate interface that will bring them more information, faster.
Updates to the website include an improved menu navigation, expansion of key issue areas and a streamlined sign-up for users seeking to stay up to date with the latest news from NMPF under its “Stay Informed” option. Making this information more readily available for members serves NMPF’s mission and makes nmpf.org even more essential to the dairy community, said NMPF President and CEO Jim Mulhern.
“A better visitor experience and rich resources is a critical part of our service to our member cooperatives and everyone with an interest in dairy,” said Mulhern. “We strive to continue to be the one-stop-shop for information important to the dairy community,” said Mulhern.