NMPF joined with the U.S. Dairy Export Council on Oct. 27 in filing with the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office a highly detailed set of comments outlining barriers to U.S. dairy exports. The submission was made to inform USTR’s National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers, an annual compilation of constraints around the world to U.S. exports.
NMPF emphasized the importance of expanding market access opportunities to better support the U.S. dairy sector, urging the pursuit of new agreements and tariff reductions with key trading partners. The comments also highlighted nontariff trade barriers, particularly those driven by protectionism or overly burdensome policy prescriptions, that make it harder than necessary for U.S. dairy companies to compete in foreign markets. For instance, extensive sections highlight ongoing issues with key trading partners like Mexico (product standards revisions, conformity assessments, geographical indications) and the EU (the bloc’s intervention scheme, certifications, border measures, geographical indications, Farm to Fork plans). Newer barrier areas were also covered, such as Colombia’s milk powder safeguards investigation, Indonesia’s excessively slow dairy facility registration process, and Egypt’s WTO-illegal single-source halal certifier mandate, among other issues.
In total, the comments outline trade issues with 30 countries or regions, as well as concerns related to Codex, the World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization.