Dr. Jamie Jonker, NMPF Chief Science Officer, spoke at the inaugural Agriculture Working Group of G20, International Symposium on Sustainable Livestock Transformation, held July 17-18 in Anand, India. In his role as Chair of the International Dairy Federation Science Program Coordinating Committee, Jonker used examples from U.S. dairy to discuss the role of animal health, genetics and nutrition on dairy farm economic, environmental and social sustainability. Maintaining healthy animals and reducing disease incidence increases milk sales while reducing greenhouse gas intensity and antimicrobial use.
On July 24, Dr. Jonker joined antimicrobial resistance (AMR) experts from around the world at the virtual GLG-UN Food Systems Summit event Country Progress and Political Action on AMR in Agrifood Systems: Building Towards the UNGA High-Level Meeting on AMR in 2024. As a member of the Global Leaders Group on AMR, he stressed the importance of the One Health approach which considers animal health, human health and the environment. This approach addresses the need for additional innovation to support additional biosecurity and animal health interventions which maintain animal health and reduce the need for antimicrobial use.