FARM Animal Care Kicks Off Version 5 Training

In preparation for new standards that go into effect July 1, the National Dairy FARM Program hosted the 2024 FARM Animal Care Version 5 trainer course Denver, CO from Jan. 9-11.

Nineteen trainers reviewed Version 5 revisions, discussed evaluation best practices, and calibrated animal observation scoring on a nearby farm. The trainers will manage training sessions to FARM’s 400 Animal Care evaluators throughout 2024. The first of those sessions for evaluators are Feb. 13-15 in Minneapolis, MN. That meeting will have training content for both seasoned and first-time FARM Animal Care evaluators.

Visit the FARM Program website to learn more about the FARM Animal Care Program evaluator expectations. Check back throughout Q1, as FARM will continue to release more Version 5 specific materials including an evaluation prep guide and reference manual.

The FARM Program’s aim is to continue to proactively communicate updates and prepare cooperatives, processors, and farmers during the first half of 2024, before new FARM Animal Care Version 5 standards are implemented.