With the new Congress and White House in full swing, NMPF is steadily building congressional support for multiple bipartisan bills that will advance the needs of dairy farmers and the cooperatives, with several of them well-positioned to become law this year.
NMPF celebrated the Jan. 23 reintroduction of the bipartisan, bicameral Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act, which has additional momentum this year after almost becoming law in 2023. The bill, which would allow schools to serve whole and reduced-fat milk in addition to the currently available low-fat and skim varieties, passed the House of Representatives in December that year on an overwhelming 330-99 vote.
This year’s bill is sponsored by Reps. GT Thompson, R-PA, and Kim Schrier, D-WA, and Sens. Roger Marshall, R-KS, Peter Welch, D-VT, Dave McCormick, R-PA, and John Fetterman, D-PA. NMPF and its members secured 70 bipartisan original cosponsors on the House measure, H.R. 649, and 10 on the Senate measure, S. 222, strongly positioning this critical bill to expand kids’ access to milk varieties that will provide them with essential nutrients.
Beyond whole milk, NMPF is seeking support for one last item on its Federal Milk Marketing Order modernization to-do list: mandatory dairy manufacturing cost surveys every two years.
Last year’s House and Senate farm bill proposals included important language to require USDA to conduct and report the surveys to provide all dairy stakeholders with uniform, transparent data to better inform future milk pricing deliberations.
To build momentum for the provision, Reps. Nick Langworthy, R-NY, Joe Morelle, D-NY, and Derrick Van Orden, R-WI, have introduced this language as the Fair Milk Pricing for Farmers Act (H.R. 295). Companion bipartisan legislation will be introduced shortly in the Senate. NMPF is urging congress to enact this measure as soon as possible so that USDA can begin building out the infrastructure needed to produce these important studies.
Finally, while Republicans will juggle many competing priorities when crafting tax legislation, NMPF and a broad coalition of agricultural and small business organizations is supporting the bicameral Main Street Tax Certainty Act, numbered H.R. 703 in the House and S. 213 in the Senate.
This bill, authored by Representative Lloyd Smucker, R-PA, and Senator Steve Daines, R-MT, would make permanent the Section 199A tax deduction created in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
Section 199A is a tax deduction to support domestic manufacturing activities. Many NMPF member cooperatives claim this deduction annually and pass the proceeds back to their farmer-owners, who then reinvest in their own operations. The new legislation enjoys support from a broad majority of House and Senate Republicans, putting Section 199A in a positive position heading into tax deliberations.
NMPF will continue to advance these and other dairy priorities at any opportunity.