NMPF Applauds Long-Awaited Assistance for Dairy Farmers Hard-Hit by Natural Disasters

The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) applauded today’s announcement that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will provide critical, long-awaited financial assistance for dairy farmers affected by natural disasters.

The Milk Loss Assistance program administered by the Farm Service Agency will compensate eligible dairy farms and processors for milk dumped due to qualifying disaster events in 2020, 2021 and 2022, including droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, floods, derechos, excessive heat, winter storms and smoke exposure.

“On top of the challenges created by wild price gyrations and the COVID-19 pandemic, dairy farmers since 2020 have also faced an inadequate federal mechanism for addressing unforeseen weather catastrophes, further straining finances at a time when strains have been hard to bear,” said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of NMPF. “NMPF never accepted that situation, and we’re very appreciative of USDA’s diligent work over several months to finalize the compensation plan that will address this backlog of disaster assistance. We thank Congress for providing this necessary funding, and we encourage both Congress and USDA to find ways to address future natural disasters more quickly. We also urge farmers affected by these disasters to sign up, and we stand ready to assist them as they go through this process.”

As producers of a highly perishable product that’s created 24/7, 365 days a year, dairy farmers have been—and continue to be—uniquely challenged by disaster events. The Milk Loss Program will help farmers and, in certain cases, cooperatives, recover losses previously overlooked by disaster assistance.

Dairy farmers and cooperatives can sign up for the Milk Loss Program beginning Sept. 11 and running through Oct. 16, 2023. Affected producers are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. For eligibility and application information, as well as details about how payments will be calculated, visit USDA’s Milk Loss Assistance program announcement.

Resources Available for California Farms Affected by Flooding

After the driest three years on record, California dairy producers are reeling from storms that have displaced families and cattle, damaged farms and feed supplies, and severely impacted crops being grown to feed the state’s 1.7 million dairy cows. California dairy farmers are now bracing for more flooding as temperatures rise and this year’s historic Sierra snowpack thaws.

Federal, state and local officials are working to repair damaged canals, levees and roads while preparing flood barriers and limiting reservoir water levels to leave room for melting snow. However, overflowing water continues to impact the nation’s top-producing dairy region, and farmers’ full losses have yet to be realized.

NMPF is working with affected members, federal agencies and Congress to mobilize meaningful, timely support for California dairy farmers and secure funding and support for critical water infrastructure and storage in the future.

Preparation and Response

The resources below outline how dairies can best prepare for and respond to a flooding emergency. For immediate help, producers should contact local emergency management officials or dial 2-1-1. California dairy farmers are urged to keep in close contact with their county agriculture commissioners when dealing with losses and problems on the farm as they are the best local resource for agriculture-related information and are tasked with collecting data for USDA disaster assistance.


USDA is offering technical and financial assistance to help California dairy farmers recover. Affected producers should contact their local USDA Service Center to report losses and learn more about program options available to assist in their recovery from crop, land, infrastructure and livestock losses and damages. Applicable programs include:

  • Emergency Conservation Program: The Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) helps farmers repair damage to farmlands caused by natural disasters and put in place methods for water conservation during severe drought. The ECP does this through funding and technical assistance. (Application deadline: Oct. 13)
  • Emergency Farm Loans: Farm Service Agency emergency loans help producers who suffer qualifying farm related losses directly caused by the disaster in a county declared or designated as a primary disaster or quarantine area. Also, farmers located in counties contiguous to the declared or designated area may qualify for loans. (Application deadline: Within eight months of disaster declaration)
  • Livestock Indemnity Program: The Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) provides benefits to livestock producers for livestock deaths in excess of normal mortality caused by adverse weather or by attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the Federal Government. LIP payments are equal to 75 percent of the average fair market value of the livestock. (Application deadline: File of Loss must be filed within 30 days of event or when loss becomes apparent)
  • Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program: The Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) provides financial assistance to eligible producers of livestock for losses due to certain adverse weather events or loss conditions. Assistance can cover loss of grazing land and stored feed losses. (Application deadline: File of Loss must be filed within 30 days of event or when loss becomes apparent)
  • Environmental Quality Incentives Program: While not designed to be an emergency response program the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) can play a vital role in assisting producers recovering from natural disasters. Through EQIP, USDA’s National Resources Conservation Service provides financial assistance to repair and prevent excessive soil erosion caused or impacted by natural disasters.

Click here to navigate USDA’s Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool. The discovery tool walks producers through five questions to help them identify personalized results of what USDA disaster assistance programs may meet their needs.

Additional federal relief is available in counties that have been declared major disaster areas. Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster. Visit FEMA.org for more information.

Contact Us

Please contact Theresa Sweeney-Murphy at tsweeney@nmpf.org with any questions and for more information.