EPA Calls for Nominations to Animal Agriculture and Water Quality Subcommittee

EPA has opened nominations for the Animal Agriculture and Water Quality Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Farm, Ranch and Rural Communities Advisory Committee.

The subcommittee goal is to inform agency decisions on how to improve the implementation of the Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation permitting program to effectively reduce nutrients and other types of water pollutants from animal feeding operations. The subcommittee will help determine whether any revisions to regulations are warranted and whether EPA can otherwise support the efforts of AFO operators to protect water quality.

EPA is looking for a diverse range of qualified candidates, with applications due on Jan. 2, 2024. If interested in serving, please reach out to Miquela Hanselman at mhanselman@nmpf.org. The announcement can be found here.