USDA and HHS Prepare to Update Dietary Guidelines
August 2, 2010
USDA and HHS Prepare to Update Dietary Guidelines
On July 15, NMPF submitted comments on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines in response to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report (DGAC Report) on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010. The Dietary Guidelines, which form the basis of federal food, nutrition education, and information programs, are issued and updated by the Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) every five years. Three servings of dairy products per day (two for younger children) remain a core recommendation for the Dietary Guidelines. NMPF coordinated efforts with the International Dairy Foods Association and the National Dairy Council to have consistent messages on the importance of dairy product consumption in the American diet.
The DGAC Report focused on reducing the incidence of obesity through increased consumption of nutrient-dense foods while lowering caloric intake. Specifically, the DGAC Report encouraged reducing consumption of solid fats and added sugars and sodium. NMPF discussed the significant nutrient contribution of milk (providing calcium, vitamin D, and potassium – three of the four nutrients of concern – as well as other shortfall nutrients) relative to its caloric intake. NMPF also stressed the value of nominal amounts of added sugars, fats, and sodium in nutrient-dense dairy products, which enhances the palatability of these foods and, therefore, increases their consumption and improves nutrient intake without contributing excessive calories.