NMPF to Feds: Keep “3-Every-Day” Recommendation for Dairy Foods
April 9, 2015
NMPF has urged the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services to continue recommending at least three servings of dairy a day as part of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
At a March 24 hearing, Vice President of Dairy Foods & Nutrition Beth Briczinski reminded the agencies of dairy’s nine essential nutrients and that three of four nutrients lacking in the American diet are found in milk.
“Knowing that the nutrient package of dairy foods is virtually irreplaceable in the diet,” Briczinski said, “and that dairy consumption averages less than two servings a day, the Dietary Guidelines should at least continue to recommend three servings of dairy and, preferably, recommend Americans increase their current consumption of dairy foods.”
“Most Americans would certainly benefit by adding one more serving of nutrient-dense dairy foods each day,” Briczinski added. “This would go a long way toward improving essential nutrient intakes and help consumers achieve better diets and better health.”
Briczinski testified during a public hearing on the proposed Guidelines. The final 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans will be issued later this year.