NMPF Joins IDFA, International Dairy Federation in Endorsement of Dairy Declaration on Sustainability
October 18, 2017
NMPF, the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the International Dairy Federation (IDF) together endorsed the Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam last month, which recognizes the global dairy sector’s commitment to feeding the world with safe, sustainable products.
The U.S. National Committee of the International Dairy Federation (USIDF), of which NMPF serves as Vice Chair, endorsed the declaration in a signing ceremony held last month during the USIDF Annual Membership meeting. The declaration was originally developed by IDF and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization at the IDF World Dairy Summit in October 2016. The document, which supports the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, provides a framework for IDF sustainability actions and highlights IDF’s commitment to take an integrated approach to promote sustainability.
Signing the declaration on behalf of the broader dairy industry that USIDF represents were USIDF Vice Chair and NMPF Vice President of Trade Policy Shawna Morris; USIDF Chair and IDFA Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Cary Frye; and IDF Technical Manager of Standards, Aurélie Dubois.
“Today, America’s dairy farmers are producing a gallon of milk that uses 65 percent less water, requires 90 percent less land and has a 63 percent smaller carbon footprint than it did 70 years ago,” Morris said. “The U.S. dairy industry looks forward to continuing to partner with other signers of the declaration in building upon dairy’s positive track record of providing consumers with the nutritious, responsibly produced products they want while continuing to further its commitment to providing a sustainable dairy food system in this country.”