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NMPF Joins Dairy Groups to Launch Campaign on Dairy’s Economic Impact

June 13, 2018

To help promote the U.S. dairy industry as a job-creating and exports machine, National Milk has joined the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) and the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) to launch a year-long campaign titled “Got Jobs? Dairy Creates Jobs, Exports Create More.”

Most Americans know milk and other dairy products are an essential part of a healthy diet. But less well-known is dairy’s contribution to the health of the U.S. economy and the economies of every state across the country. This storytelling campaign aims to shine a brighter, data-driven spotlight on the positive effects of dairy’s economic engine.

Over the next year, the three dairy groups will share in-depth data and compelling narratives featuring hardworking dairy farmers, innovative dairy company employees, resourceful retailers and many others throughout the food supply chain at its website The site will offer monthly features, videos and data-driven facts that demonstrate dairy’s continued impact on jobs, tax revenue and communities around the country. Using #GotDairyJobs, the dairy industry will amplify the campaign and create the dairy jobs conversation on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

“As milk continues its journey from farm to table, it becomes a job-creation machine, employing farm workers, truck drivers, construction workers, factory workers, retailers and even cargo ship captains navigating the ocean to ports in fast-growing countries demanding more dairy than their own countries can produce,” said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of NMPF. “The United States is uniquely positioned to meet this growing global need, which allows U.S. dairy to provide opportunities for job creation and growth in the United States.”