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NMPF Introduces FARM Environmental Stewardship Component to Measure Sustainability Practices

August 2, 2016

NMPF’s Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program is assuming management of an environmental sustainability assessment module, the organization announced last month. Previously called Farm Smart and managed by the checkoff-funded Dairy Management Inc., the new FARM Environmental Stewardship will become a voluntary component under the overall FARM program umbrella.

The new offering will be available to interested cooperatives and proprietary processors in early 2017.

The FARM Environmental Stewardship module integrates the methodology and science of Farm Smart, a carbon footprint assessment tool created by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy. The Farm Smart science-based models are being fully integrated into FARM Environmental Stewardship, but will be updated in the future through a partnership between NMPF and the Innovation Center.

FARM Environmental Stewardship program will allow for the collection and dissemination of information on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The assessment will also help dairy producers identify potential efficiency gains and cost savings, offering them the ability to track progress in a secure, confidential platform.

FARM plans to release webinars, online tutorials, training materials and other resources for those interested in utilizing this new component. It will also be previewed at the first-ever FARM Program Evaluator Conference this November in Nashville, Tenn. More information can also be found on the FARM Program website.