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NMPF Files Opposition Letters to USDA on Organic FMMO Proposal

February 18, 2016

On September 29, 2015 USDA received a hearing request from the Organic Trade Association seeking a hearing to amend all Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) to include alternative producer-settlement fund payments for USDA certified organic milk. OTA’s proposal, if adopted, would certainly eliminate producer settlement fund payment obligations paid by organic handlers into the FMMO revenue sharing pools. As a result, the regulated minimum milk value provided by FMMOs would be reduced by tens of millions of dollars each year. In addition, this proposal would set a bad precedent as it would erode participation and undermine the stability of the time honored FMMO system.

NMPF filed two letters to USDA in oppostion to this hearing request. These letters are linked below: