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NMPF Begins Foundation for the Future Campaign

August 2, 2010



NMPF Begins Foundation for the Future Campaign

As NMPF moves forward with its legislative package "Foundation for the Future" (FFTF), the top priority is to provide as much information as possible to dairy producers, other industry stakeholders, and congressional leaders about this innovative approach to revamping dairy policy. Toward that end, NMPF will be working with the communications firm Morgan & Myers.


"The Foundation for the Future requires a shift in industry thinking from price assistance programs like MILC and the price support program, toward margin protection," says Jerry Kozak, NMPF President and CEO. "This will require a significant information sharing and communication effort, aimed at a variety of stakeholders within and beyond dairy producers."

The plan calls for the effort to kick-off in the fall, and will involve a number of communication tools. These will include printed materials, a dedicated, interactive FFTF microsite, and various audio-visual programs, as well as a producer-to-producer outreach effort.