NMPF Applauds USDA Climate-Smart Initiative, Supply Chain Assistance
September 29, 2021
The National Milk Producers Federation, which represents U.S. dairy farmers and the cooperatives they own, commended the Biden Administration and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for key steps announced today to assist U.S. farmers and consumers with current challenges while charting a course toward a long-term, climate-smart future for all of agriculture.
“NMPF applauds Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and his team at USDA for its climate smart agriculture initiative announced today,” said NMPF President and CEO Jim Mulhern. “By aiding the finance of climate-smart farming practices and the marketing of climate-smart commodities, this initiative will ensure even greater U.S. leadership in sustainably feeding the planet. It also will help keep U.S. farmers competitive in a global market that’s increasingly sensitive to agriculture’s effects on climate.
“U.S. dairy farmers have been and will remain leaders in sustainable agricultural production, supporting innovative use of technology and committing to a carbon-neutral future through its forward-thinking Net Zero Initiative. The recently concluded UN Food Systems Summit showed how U.S. government leadership can foster productive dialogue on agriculture and the world’s future climate. Dairy supports these efforts and looks forward to working with USDA and other agencies on crucial climate initiatives.”
Congress is currently considering additional conservation funding with an emphasis on climate smart practices. NMPF led a broad coalition last month supporting new investments in conservation programs targeted toward climate smart practices that can yield meaningful environmental benefits.
Mulhern also praised USDA’s move to provide $500 million in relief from agricultural market disruptions, such as backlogs at U.S. ports that are impeding the flow of dairy products to the consumers worldwide who are demanding them.
“In addition to these important climate initiatives, U.S. dairy farmers appreciate USDA’s allocation of Commodity Credit Corp. funds to alleviate the economic damage caused by recent backlogs at U.S. ports that are hindering access to critical markets overseas,” Mulhern continued. “Although dairy exports are at a record pace, it is coming at a heavy cost to our members and to exporters of U.S. dairy products. Foreign buyers are demanding even greater volumes while voicing growing concerns about U.S. reliability. We stand ready to assist the administration any way we can to help alleviate the ports crisis and aid those who have been negatively affected.”