NMPF Advances Dairy Export Prospects in South America
August 1, 2024
NMPF’s Jaime Castaneda joined USDEC leadership and staff in Brazil July 28-31 to explore market opportunities and address trade barriers for U.S. dairy products. While there, Castaneda met with key executives, agribusiness leaders, and policymakers in São Paulo and Brasília, Brazil. The discussions in Brazil focused on the quality, safety, and sustainability of U.S. dairy products and the tariff and nontariff barriers to reaching the market.
The group then traveled on to Argentina for additional meetings Aug. 1-3.
A key focus of the mission was the signing of two Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). NMPF and USDEC established a new MOU with Abraleite in Brazil to foster collaboration and strengthen trade relationships. The organizations also plan to renew an existing MOU with Sociedad Rural Argentina, continuing their commitment to cooperation and support for U.S. dairy exports and a unified voice at international gatherings.