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ITC Testimony Outlines Negative Consequences of U.S.-New Zealand FTA

March 2, 2010


ITC Testimony Outlines Negative Consequences of U.S.-New Zealand FTA

NMPF will be testifying at the International Trade Commission’s hearing today on the estimated economic impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) FTA. NMPF’s comments will focus predominantly on the severe harm that would result on US dairy producers if U.S.-New Zealand dairy trade were to be expanded as part of the TPP. NMPF is preparing a statement template on the TPP FTA for coops to use to submit comments to the ITC following the hearing if they wish.

In concert with this effort, NMPF is working to seek Senators’ signatures on a letter regarding the harm that would befall the US dairy industry with expanded U.S.-New Zealand dairy trade in the TPP. We are urging all producers and coops to contact their Senators to make their concerns known about this agreement and to urge Senators to express concern about this issue to USTR.