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High Plains Ponderosa and Shell create fuel now, and a net-zero tomorrow

December 20, 2021

In an innovative collaboration that’s pointing dairy – and transportation – toward a net-zero future, Royal Dutch Shell and High Plains Ponderosa are working together to construct their first integrated dairy manure to renewable natural gas (RNG) facility in Plains, Kansas. Greg Bethard, General Manager, CEO and CFO of High Plains Ponderosa Dairy, says that in addition to the carbon reduction, sustainability at the dairy means longevity and economic viability.

“It is gratifying to contribute to reducing carbon load in the atmosphere while making positive enhancements to our dairy and our business,” Bethard says. “That is a win-win for everyone.”

In the latest Farmer Focus, Shell and Bethard share what led them to the inception of the RNG facility and why animal care and sustainability are so important to their shared 2050 goals.

For more Farmer Focus stories, co-sponsored by NMPF and the FARM Program, check out NMPF’s Sharing Our Story page, which also includes its Dairy Defined thought-leadership series and CEO’s Corner, a monthly column from NMPF President and CEO Jim Mulhern.