FMMO Persistence Pays off for Farmers
September 4, 2024
- USDA’s recommended FMMO decision incorporates NMPF proposals
- Economics team member provided market outlooks and FMMO process updates across the country
NMPF’s Joint Economics Unit saw intense Federal Milk Marketing Order modernization in 2024, especially in the year’s earlier months. NMPF submitted its final legal brief to USDA in March, emphasizing that farmers are the reason the order system exists and that they should be the priority as USDA considers its final decision.
USDA released its recommended FMMO modernization plan July 1, agreeing in large part with the underlying principles of NMPF’s proposal. USDA’s biggest difference with NMPF was its establishment of a Class I mover for extended shelf-life products, which consists of the average of with an adjustable mover, even as most of the U.S. milk supply would revert to the “higher-of” formula in effect until 2019, as NMPF and its members advocated. NMPF-USDEC Joint Economics team members explain USDA’s recommended decision here.
Members of NMPF’s FMMO task force have reconvened to write comments on the recommended decision, which will be handed in by the Sept. 13 comment deadline for all stakeholders. USDA will review submissions and issue a final decision in November, followed by a producer referendum likely near the end of the year. Any changes will be implemented in early 2025, ending the formal FMMO modernization process.
Even as FMMO consumed team energy, members of the economics team traveled the country in 2024, providing expertise on changing market conditions throughout the year and updates on the FMMO modernization process.
Stephen Cain, senior director of research and economic analysis for NMPF, and Dr. Peter Vitaliano, vice president for economic policy and market research for NMPF, presented updates on the federal order modernization efforts to the NMPF Young Cooperators in February, the Southeast Milk Inc., Leadership Experience (SMILE) in May, and to the NMPF Board of Directors periodically. In August, Cain travelled to Detroit to update Michigan Milk Producers Association on the next steps in the process.
Producers were also updated on current and changing market conditions through 2024. Will Loux, senior vice president of global economic affairs for NMPF and USDEC, presented a domestic and export market outlook to South Dakota Dairy Producers in January and Dairy Farmers of America in July, as well as an update on the state of the dairy industry to the Idaho Milk Processors Association in August.
The economics team also met with the boards of United Dairymen of Arizona, Agri-Mark, Land O’Lakes, and Michigan Milk Producers Association to provide an update on Cooperatives Working Together renewal and modernization efforts. Cain and Dr. Vitaliano also provided outlook presentations for the National Ice Cream Mix Association annual meeting in January and to the American Butter Institute in April. Dr. Vitaliano also gave a butter-specific presentation to the joint American Dairy Products Institute-American Butter Institute annual conference in April.
Amid this backdrop, the dairy economy itself showed signs of improvement. The Dairy Margin Coverage Program, the main federal safety net for U.S. milk producers, saw its fourth highest ever margin in July, at $12.23/cwt, with the all-milk price at $22.80/cwt. End of August dairy and grain futures indicated that the DMC margin would average around $12.25/cwt for all of calendar year 2024.