FARM’s Technical Writing Group Begins Three-Year Review of Program Guidelines
August 4, 2015
The FARM Program Technical Writing Group — made up of veterinarians, academics, animal scientists, co-op staff and dairy producers — began meeting in June to determine if updates are needed to the program’s Animal Care Manual, FARM Evaluation checklist, and other resources.
The program’s guidelines are updated every three years. Once the Technical Writing Group concludes its work, a new draft of the FARM Program guidelines will be reviewed by NMPF’s Animal Health and Wellbeing Committee. After that, comments will be sought from all FARM Animal Care Program co-op and processor participants, and other outside experts.
All comments will be synthesized and a final draft of the version 3.0 guidelines made available in January. Consistent with the last program revision, evaluations based on the new guidelines will not begin until January of 2017, allowing time for FARM Animal Care Program staff to educate participants on the key changes.