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FARM Publishes Biosecurity Page, Plans New FARM Excellence Awards

July 6, 2021

The FARM Biosecurity webpage is now live and will offer resources, information for farmers and a timeline of deliverables for the newest FARM program area.

Funded through a cooperative agreement with the USDA National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response program, FARM Biosecurity will integrate select on-farm elements (like the enhanced biosecurity plan) of the Secure Milk Supply program into the FARM Program and will develop an everyday biosecurity plan and resources for dairy farmers.

FARM also is launching a new awards program to recognize farms and FARM evaluators who demonstrate excellence in their FARM Program. Award categories include Animal Care & Antibiotic Stewardship, Environmental Stewardship, Workforce Development, and FARM Evaluators. Nominations are open from July 1-Sept. 1. Farms or evaluators can be nominated by fellow dairy farmers, members of their communities, extension, cooperative or processor staff, veterinarians, themselves or others. Winners in each category will receive tickets for two individuals to attend the Dairy Joint Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nov. 15-17.

Visit the FARM Excellence Awards page for more details.