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FARM Program Seeking Task Force Nominations

January 7, 2025

The FARM Program is seeking nominations for open seats on its Animal Care, Environmental Stewardship and Workforce Development Task Forces. Nominations will open mid-January and close March 31, with new members announced during NMPF’s Board of Directors meeting June 9.

FARM Task Force members serve as program ambassadors and experts in their designated field. Each task force reviews, recommends and provides insight on program implementation for its respective program pillar. Recommendations are presented to the appropriate NMPF board committee for final review and approval.

Candidates can be nominated by a cooperative or processor, fellow dairy farmer, veterinarian, themselves or others. Nominations must be submitted via the online form. The FARM Farmer Advisory Council will review all nominations and recommend a proposed slate of new FARM Task Force members to the NMPF Executive Committee for final approval.

Visit the FARM Program website for the full list of eligibility and criteria.