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FARM Program Participates in First-Ever Antibiotics Awareness Week, Releases Drug Residue Prevention Manual

December 7, 2015

In honor of the first national Antibiotic Awareness Week, NMPF’s FARM Program participated in a social media drive to educate farmers and consumers on the proper use of antibiotics in animals. It also released an updated manual on drug residue prevention.

From Nov. 16-22, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization hosted educational campaigns on antibiotic resistance. FARM focused its campaign on the agriculture sector. The program’s Facebook and Twitter accounts featured graphics, videos and facts about safely administering drugs to sick farm animals.

To coincide with this event, the FARM Program released its 2016 Milk and Dairy Beef Drug Residue Prevention Manual – one of the key components of the program. The manual offers a concise review of appropriate antibiotic use in dairy animals, and can also be used as an educational tool for farm managers as they develop their best management practices necessary to avoid milk and meat residues.

“We know that there is increased attention to the use of medicines in livestock, and in order to maintain the ability to use those products to treat sick animals, we have to demonstrate that we are using them judiciously,” said Jim Mulhern, President and CEO of NMPF.