FARM Program Outreach Continues
July 8, 2009
FARM Program Outreach Continues
NMPF continues to tout the benefits of uniform, standardized animal care system in the form of the National Dairy FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) program. NMPF staff have conducted briefings with a variety of cooperatives and processors to explain why FARM will bring consistency and uniformity to on-farm care, and provide reassurance to consumers that the dairy products they purchase are from farms practicing responsible animal husbandry.
In Michigan, the state is considering codifying the FARM program's tenets into state law. NMPF Treasurer Ken Nobis, who is President of Michigan Milk Producers Association, describes the process that has culminated in the creation of the National Dairy FARM ProgramSM. Click here to view the video. (
The educational manual outlines best practices on the farm for a variety of animal care issues, including animal health from birth to end of life, housing, nutrition, and transportation and handling. The manual will be available in the fall at the National Dairy FARM website,