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CWT Expected to Conclude Current Herd Retirement This Month

September 4, 2009


CWT Expected to Conclude Current Herd Retirement This Month

As CWT wraps up its third herd retirement conducted in the last nine months and the second-largest herd retirement ever, it expects to complete farms audits for this current round in mid-September, with the removal of cows completed by the end of the month.

The current herd retirement round will accept 86,710 cows and 1.8 billion pounds of milk. When combined with the previous two herd retirements, CWT's actions will result in approximately 400 million fewer pounds of milk a month going to market this fall.

"These two summer 2009 herd retirements, combined with the USDA's recent price support increases, should result in very positive movement in dairy farmers' milk prices," said Jerry Kozak, President and CEO of NMPF, which administers CWT.

For more information about CWT, please visit