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CWT 2011-2012 Membership Drive Launched

December 3, 2010


CWT 2011-2012 Membership Drive Launched

At the Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) committee meeting in October, the committee reviewed an analysis by NMPF staff economist Peter Vitaliano which clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the CWT Export Assistance program in enhancing dairy farmer revenue, as well as the value and importance of continuing the program in the future. As a result, the committee voted to move forward with CWT in 2011 and 2012, focusing its efforts on the Export Assistance program.

CWT is expected to carry over $30 million from the 2009-2010 program period and those funds will be utilized evenly in 2011 and 2012. The monies will be supplemented by the two-year commitment from cooperatives and individual producers marketing a minimum of 75% of the eligible milk production to invest two cents (2¢) per hundredweight in the CWT program. The 2¢ per hundredweight assessment will not go into effect unless the 75% participation goal is reached.

In working toward achieving that goal, a brochure has been developed that describes the benefit to all producers of the CWT Export Assistance program and why it is important to for it to continue in 2011 and 2012. The brochure is available at the CWT website – A narrated PowerPoint presentation, “The Importance of the World Dairy Market to U.S. Dairy Farmers,” will also be available to download from the CWT website next week, and a CD of that presentation will be available as well.

Finally, 2011-2012 CWT Membership Agreements are available on the website. It is hoped that every CWT member will reach out to their fellow producers and encourage them to join CWT. As stated above, the two-cent assessment requested will not go into effect until the 75% participation level is reached.