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August Congressional Recess Opportunity to Discuss New Zealand Agreement

August 2, 2010


August Congressional Recess Opportunity to Discuss New Zealand Agreement

During the August recess, NMPF urges farmers to contact their Members of Congress about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement, and specifically, about why the dairy producer community opposes the inclusion of trade between the U.S. and New Zealand in that agreement.

It is also important at this stage to encourage Congress to demand that that the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) handle tariff agreements with each country separately, so that dairy producers’ concerns about New Zealand can be properly addressed, while at the same time maximizing any broader U.S. export interests that may exist in the overall agreement.

Talks on this TPP agreement continue to move forward rapidly. USTR is negotiating again with the TPP countries in mid-August, and could be soon making decisions about the structure of the agreement that would negatively impact our ability to get the type of outcome dairy producers urgently need.