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Spots still available for November FARM Train the Trainer Course, Evaluator Conference

October 6, 2016

With just a handful of in-person trainings remaining in 2016, the FARM Animal Care Program invites any industry stakeholders, cooperative staff, veterinarians and others invested in animal care to attend the upcoming Version 3.0 Train the Trainer course that will be held in Phoenix, Ariz., on November 8-9.

Anyone who would like to be a trainer for Version 3.0 of the FARM Program must be certified in-person in order to train other individuals and conduct on-farm evaluations. The FARM Program relies on excellent trainers throughout the country to certify evaluators and carry the positive message that dairy has to share throughout the dairy supply chain. Registration information for the Phoenix session is available here.

Additionally, the FARM Animal Care Program’s first annual Evaluator Conference will be held November 2-3 in Nashville, Tenn. The Evaluator Conference is a networking and professional development event to share and learn from other FARM evaluators from across the country.

Panels and speakers will cover topics including: how to improve relations with the veterinary community, preparing for an animal care crisis, and emerging industry issues, among others. Additionally, ample time will be provided for evaluators to share and discuss strategies on bringing credibility and effective communication to and about the FARM Program.  We hope to have FARM evaluators from every participating co-op or processor represented at this important event; interested individuals can register here.