Social Media Campaign to Highlight Versatility, Value of Butter to Consumers
April 4, 2012
Butter marketers will use a variety of social media tools in 2012 to better connect their product with consumers, as word-of-mouth marketing assumes a greater degree of importance in the dairy category.
The centerpiece of the campaign will be a new blog, “Go Bold With Butter,” which will serve as a virtual kitchen where consumers can interact with a team of butter enthusiasts who will tout the value and versatility of butter.
Nine dedicated bloggers were recruited to generate content for the blog, including recipes, photos, and videos. Each will offer a unique perspective on the best way to create satisfying food experiences centered on butter. A GoBoldWithButter Facebook page andTwitter profile have also been established to complement blog activity. The Facebook page and Twitter profile will share general “GoBoldWithButter” messaging, recipes and content, and help drive traffic back to the Real Butter blog, especially for seasonal cooking themes. The campaign will also use a Pinterest page, as that social media site is rapidly growing in popularity among users that this campaign is targeting.
“The preparation and enjoyment of food is one area of life where people’s experiences and expectations are very personal, and social media tools are perfect to help amplify those feelings,” said Mark Korsmeyer, President of the American Butter Institute (ABI). “Butter marketers will greatly benefit from this new campaign, because it will create real connections among butter enthusiasts, while helping to educate a new generation about why butter is best for cooking and baking.”
Each of the nine blog contributors brings a different style and perspective, but they are all passionate about creating memorable dishes to share with their friends and families.
The promotion of the blog and its digital companions is largely driven by online advertising. This includes targeted online and Facebook ad executions to fulfill advertising support of the Go Bold With Butter blog with a seasonal emphasis. The website will be updated five times throughout the course of the campaign corresponding with seasonal messaging for the GoBoldWithButter campaign. The Butter is Best e-newsletter will also be updated to correspond with the new campaign and distributed quarterly.
Irv Holmes, Chair of ABI’s Marketing Committee, said: “At a time when we’re witnessing new trends in cuisine – an emphasis on simplicity and authenticity, coupled with a curiosity about bold new flavors – we need to help connect those who have a do-it-yourself ethic with our products. Go Bold With Butter, leveraged across a variety of social media platforms, is a new type of marketing to help engage these consumers.”
Go Bold With Butter is presented by America’s Dairy Farmers® in partnership with the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board.