Senate Vote Expected on Murkowski Resolution of Disapproval
June 4, 2010
Senate Vote Expected on Murkowski Resolution of Disapproval
In the coming weeks, a highly anticipated vote is expected to take place in the U.S. Senate to halt the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from moving forward with its plans to regulate greenhouse gases (GHG). As the issue of climate change is being debated in Congress, the EPA is moving ahead to establish permits, through its authority under the Clean Air Act (CAA), for emitters of GHGs. Those required to get these new permits could range from the largest textile factory and coal-fired power plants, to possibly even small dairy operations. In fact, if this vote fails, nearly 99% of all U.S. dairy farms could be hit with the new EPA regulations.
In accordance with a law known as the Congressional Review Act of 1996, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced a resolution of disapproval (S.J. Res. 26) to veto the EPA’s expansion of authority. That act provides Congress with the ability to reject certain rules and regulations developed by federal agencies. Currently, there are 40 cosponsors signed on to the legislation. Fortunately, unlike many other controversial measures in the Senate, the resolution only requires 51 votes to succeed.
For further details on S.J. Res. 26, as well as for information on how to get involved, please visit the NMPF Dairy G.R.E.A.T. website.