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NMPF Statement on Dietary Guidelines for Americans Advisory Committee Scientific Report

December 10, 2024

From NMPF President & CEO Gregg Doud:

“NMPF thanks the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee for recognizing dairy’s important role in a healthy diet and its continued recommendation of three servings of dairy for Americans two years and older.

“Throughout this process, the committee looked carefully at the nutrition dairy products provide. The committee’s scientific review showed that reducing or eliminating dairy from the diet leads to undernourishment in key nutrients for millions of Americans. The review also made clear that expanding the food group to include additional plant-based alternative beverages outside of fortified soy is not supported by scientific evidence. Specifically, the committee noted “the direct substitution of plant-based milk alternatives for cow’s milk within the patterns may introduce unintended consequences for meeting other nutrient recommendations and may vary by product selected.” This is especially important, as the dietary guidelines greatly affect the food options available to children through school meals and other nutrition programs.

“NMPF also thanks the committee for acknowledging that dairy is an equitable option that provides accessible and affordable sources of essential nutrients to everyone, and that lactose-free and lactose-reduced dairy foods can provide those same nutrients for people who may not be able to tolerate regular dairy.

“We are disappointed that the committee only recommends consumption of unflavored milk, especially as they acknowledged that flavored milk contains beneficial nutrients and did not explicitly conclude any connection between flavored milk consumption and obesity risk.

“It is reassuring that the committee came to multiple conclusions supporting dairy that are backed by decades of scientific evidence. We encourage the agencies to look further into recent science supporting the benefits of whole milk in the diet. The committee found evidence that substituting higher-fat dairy with lower-fat dairy showed no association with cardiovascular disease morbidity, and it also found evidence of positive benefits for growth and bone health specifically related to whole milk consumption by young children. We see these conclusions as positive steps. We will continue to advocate for consideration of full-fat dairy in the final dietary guidelines expected to be released next year.”