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NMPF, Ag Groups Work to See Changes to E-Verify Bill

August 2, 2011

In response to concerns that the use of E-Verify may soon become mandatory across the country, the National Milk Producers Federation, along with several other agricultural interest groups, sent a letter to the House leadership seeking inclusion of a “workable, efficient worker program that encompasses all of U.S. agriculture.” This came as a response to a bill offered by Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) that would impose mandatory E-Verify for all businesses in the United States, but would also pre-empt all state bills that have instituted similar and harsher legislation.

The letter makes the argument that in order to continue food production, the agricultural industry needs an opportunity to secure a suitable workforce. While no date has been scheduled for the House to start marking up H.R.2164, Smith’s Legal Workforce Act, NMPF and the agricultural community will continue to advocate for positive changes to be made so that the agricultural industry can continue to function in an efficient and productive manner.