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January Record Month for CWT Export Assistance

February 6, 2013

The 2013 Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) Export Assistance program got off to a record start in January, receiving 160 requests for assistance from 10 CWT member cooperatives. That total included 128 assistance requests for cheese, 28 for butter, and two each for whole milk powder (WMP) and anhydrous milkfat.

After doing a comprehensive economic review of the requests received each week, four were accepted by CWT at the level of support members had requested. For the remainder, CWT advised members that the level of assistance they asked for was too high, based on market fundamentals. CWT determined that assistance should not be necessary on two of the requests submitted.

Of the 154 counter offers CWT made to members, 66 cheese offers were accepted, bringing the total cheese sales assisted to 19.3 million pounds. Twenty butter offers were accepted, taking total sales to 9.8 million pounds, and two WMP offers totaling 88,185 pounds were accepted. This was the equivalent of 391 million pounds of milk, or the same as the annual production of 18,600 cows.

The product was destined for 23 countries on six continents and will be delivered from January through July.