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FDA Creates List of Companies Shipping Dairy Products to China

January 10, 2014

The Food and Drug Administration announced Jan. 7 that it will be establishing a list of U.S. dairy companies interested in exporting to China. This is being done to help comply with new Chinese government regulations relating to the importation of dairy products into China.

Any company that is currently exporting dairy products to China, or intending to export dairy products to China in the future (either directly or via a trading company), is strongly encouraged to follow the guidelines in the FDA notification about being placed on the list. China has advised FDA that products from companies not included on the list could be blocked from import. FDA plans to update the list quarterly going forward, with the first submission to China being made no later than April 30, 2014.

FDA’s announcement did not include a deadline by which companies must register. Therefore, NMPF encourages companies to initiate the registration process without delay and complete it no later than March 31st in order to avoid complications. The FDA registration guidance document can be found online.

Those with questions can contact Shawna Morris.