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FARM Program In Process of Developing More Blog Content

March 4, 2016

In December, the National Dairy FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) Program launched its new website and FARM Proud Blog. Since then, both have been used to share important information and FARM Program successes. The FARM Proud Blog has also been promoted on the new FARM Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

This year, the FARM Program plans to share cooperatives’ and members’ stories on animal care. Recently, the FARM Proud blog featured two standout examples of these stories: one authored by upstate New York dairy farmer Jessica Ziehm on her family farm’s transition away from tail docking, and last week’s story about the recent El Nino rains and the animal care challenges associated with inclement weather, written by California farmer Richard Wagner.

The FARM Program is looking to fill the blog’s pages with stories like these that discuss the dairy community’s commitment to animal care — both the successes and the challenges. This is also an opportunity to spotlight cooperatives’ use of the program, and members of the NMPF staff are in the process of contacting some to interview about their commitment to FARM to be featured on the FARM Proud blog.