Dairy Producers Prepare to Navigate Their Way to San Diego
November 3, 2011
Members of the dairy industry will be packing their bags next week and heading West to attend the joint annual meeting of NMPF, the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board and the United Dairy Industry Association. The meeting will be held November 14 – 16 at the Town and Country Resort & Convention Center in San Diego, CA, and focus on the theme “Navigating a New Course.”
The activities will begin with a leadership and development program on Monday, November 14 for the Young Cooperators, as well as various board and committee meetings. General programming for all attendees will begin at 9:30 am on Tuesday, November 15th, with NMPF’s Town Hall Meeting, where NMPF staff members will discuss efforts to dramatically reform U.S. dairy policy through Foundation for the Future and the Dairy Security Act of 2011. After the Opening Luncheon, with a presentation by NFL commentator John Lynch, participants will hear from Marci Rossell, a former CNBC chief economist and “Squawk Box” co-host, as well as leading executives from the dairy industry’s policy and promotion groups. The first day will conclude with the annual cheese reception, which will feature the winning entries from NMPF’s cheese competition.
On Wednesday, November 16th, the day will begin with a welcome from Rep. Collin C. Peterson (D-Minn.), the ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee. That will be followed by speakers representing a range of dairy processor, cooperative and promotional organizations. After the Awards Luncheon, the NMPF Focus Session will delve into issues such as immigration reform and antibiotic residue testing. The meeting will end with the annual reception and banquet, which will feature the Hodads, a southern California party band.
Although early registration for the annual meeting has closed, anyone interested in attending may still register (subject to a $150.00 late fee). Visit www.nmpf.org/nmpf-joint-annual-meeting for more information about the meeting. During the meeting, updates will be posted whenever possible on NMPF’s Facebook page, and Twitter users can follow the conversation using #JAM11, led by NMPF’s Twitter handle.