CWT Assists in Exports Equal to 220 Million Pounds of Milk
May 4, 2010
CWT Assists in Exports Equal to 220 Million Pounds of Milk
In the five weeks since CWT reactivated its Export Assistance program, it has assisted member cooperatives in making sales overseas that total nearly 22 million pounds of Cheddar cheese and Monterey Jack cheese. Using the milk to Cheddar cheese yield factor of 10 pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese, it will take 220 million pounds of milk to make the 22 million pounds of cheese. Put another way, the milk equivalent of those sales is the annual milk production of nearly 10,000 cows.
Using the Export Assistance program to build sales overseas can arguably have a greater and longer term impact than retiring cows. Independent analysis showed that the impact of retiring cows can last three years but at a steadily declining rate. Building markets for U.S. dairy products overseas with the help of CWT export assistance can have a longer term impact at a constant or growing rate.